Dear Good Company families,
For those who have attended the Registration Workshops, thank you. The last one is tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. in Attleboro. As important as we consider this, it is no longer required, but there is a financial incentive at registration time. New families are welcome to attend. 
Tutors are busy working on grades, so be looking for those over the next few weeks. For high school students, be sure to save them to use in filling out an accurate transcript. Please note: Although you are the parent, responsible ultimately for grades, reporting to the school system, and the transcript; it is NOT ETHICAL to dismiss the grades given and substitute your own. Students who did not complete our courses successfully should not be given credit for them, and you are hurting them, your own integrity, and the reputation of the homeschooling community. 
Are you thinking of some ways to make the summer count for your high school student? How about a personal finance class? Here is one that is quite manageable:
How about Summit Ministries camp where students are grounded in a biblical worldview in a fun and memorable atmosphere? There is financial help available this year through Good Company. 
Do you have other great ideas I can pass on to our community? 
Finally, the 2024-2025 course descriptions/schedule is set to be on the website by June 1st, and I will send you an email letting you know when that is complete. 
Thank you for a great school year!
Julie Shorey

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